Have a podcast in 30 days

Without headaches or hassles

Yes, this is a blatant sales pitch for my Podcast Intensive training.

If you've been hiding out under a rock or missed any of my emails this week, here's what's inside:

Video #1: "How to hunt down your listeners like the FBI hunts serial killers"

  • One reason people won’t listen to your podcast and what you must do to have them lining up waiting for your show before you even launch it
  • How to attract all the ‘hell yeah’ listeners like a magnet to your podcast.
  • How to make sure you’re podcast doesn’t die a painful death and disappear faster than a deflating balloon.
  • How to track down your listeners like the FBI hunts serial killers
  • The Sneaky ‘Snow White’ technique to be irresistible to your ideal listeners
  • The first and MOST important question to ask before you even think about producing a podcast.
  • What to do if you don’t have a list of buyers to sell to
  • The Google ‘hack’ to find out everything (and I mean everything) about your target market 
  • The God Father of Internet Marketing Ken McCarthy shares where to find buyers who come back time and time again. 
  • The big difference between a customer and a buyer and which one you should be focusing on
  • 40 essential questions you’ve gotta know the answer to if you want to know your market better than anyone else
  • My ‘ALR Formula’ for successful sales that works every-single-time-without fail with ALL my clients. Swipe and deploy the same formula right now.

Video #2: "How to ethically steal other people's audience"

  • Which comes first: Audience Or Show?
  • How to load your podcast with loyal listeners who love your show and can’t wait for every new episode to be released.
  • The top 3 reasons why podcasts fail and how to make sure yours does not
  • How to ethically ‘steal’ other people’s audiences to grow your own.
  • My embarrassing story of how I generated 47,0000 fans and lost them all in one day.
  • Dan Kennedy’s secret of how you can win in business
  • 8 simple ways you can use to build your email list 
  • Why your email list is your insurance policy when shit hits the fan
  • My List Jacking Method: How to ethically ‘steal’ other people’s audience
  • A strategy to have other people calling you an expert (even if you’re just starting out and no one knows who you are)
  • The mistake most podcasters make that holds them back so they don’t break 10 shows and never get more than a handful of listeners
  • Why most shows suck and will never be able to tap into the true power of iTune’s one BILLION subscribers
  • The four “must have” ingredients to getting your show to shoot up the charts. (Even if you use ONE of these you’ll see massive improvements, but combining all four, results can be astronomical)
  • The deep, dark secret I learned from someone who was on John Lee Dumas’ Entrepreneur on Fire show
  • The Podcast Launch Formula: 8 steps taking you from idea to launch 
  • How to avoid falling into the same trap most podcasters do, polluting your listeners airways and actually driving them away. HINT: Its all to do with I Tune’s New and Noteworthy category.
  • Why you’ve gotta grab the bull by the horns during the Honeymoon period with I-Tunes otherwise you’ll end up ‘just another interview podcast’ with lukewarm listeners.

Video #3: The "No Moolah Down" podcast formula

  • How to create a podcast thats a living LEGACY that far outlives you
  • An old real estate investing trick that lest you use other people’s money to start your podcast from scratch without any money from your pocket
  • The critical component any business must have BEFORE you even think about launching a podcast
  • The Invisible Product: How to sell your product without building it using a simple to follow 5 step method. Its the same one I used to launch The Podcast Factory network. 
  • How I generated $101,062 in our my first year with only ONE product and ONE show.
  • Learn From My DUMB Mistakes: How I lost both my house and my dad’s house and how I rebuilt from the ground up.
  • How to build products people want so much they PAY YOU before you even create them

Time is running out,

In a few short hours the price of this training will jump up 33%

Grab it now before the price goes up at http://thepodcastfactory.com/3days

See you inside,
Producer Jonathan


16877 E. Colonial Drive #203
Orlando Florida 32820

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Have a podcast in 30 days

Without headaches or hassles


Copyright 2025 Marketing 2.0 16877 E.Colonial Dr #203 Orlando, FL 32820