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Nick Parscale | Nick The Brave

Building Respect with Lt. Colonel Prioleau

Nick Parscale | Nick The Brave         Nick Parscale | Nick The Brave        
Building Respect with Lt. Colonel Prioleau           Building Respect with Lt. Colonel Prioleau          
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    Show highlights include: 

    • A simple, free way to help others achieve their goals (and why your “simple” help will change someone’s world) (1:43)
    • The effortless morning ritual that re-centers your focus (2:43)
    • Your biggest obstacle to effective communication — and why your “tone” amplifies your outcome (3:17)
    • How “HPHOP” allows you to connect with “negative people” without becoming negative yourself (4:33) 
    • Why encouraging someone’s dreams will push them to become a different person (5:26)
    • How to create harmony in your relationships — even if you don’t speak the same language (6:40)

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