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Nick Parscale | Nick The Brave

Fighting Your Battles with Powerlifter and Cheerleader Caid Smith

Nick Parscale | Nick The Brave         Nick Parscale | Nick The Brave        
Fighting Your Battles with Powerlifter and Cheerleader Caid Smith           Fighting Your Battles with Powerlifter and Cheerleader Caid Smith          
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    Show highlights include: 

    • A forgotten 3-second courtesy that will easily brighten someone’s day today (3:00)
    • The “P-Train” shift that attracts the right people into your life (3:24)
    • How sharing your gifts with others leads to stronger relationships (even if you don’t feel special) (3:54) 
    • The timeless “one-sentence opener” that makes you new friends today (5:26)
    • How traveling the world helps you connect with people in your own community (6:13)

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