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Nick Parscale | Nick The Brave

Unlocking the full power of your mind with high performance mental coach, Seth Pepper

Nick Parscale | Nick The Brave         Nick Parscale | Nick The Brave        
Unlocking the full power of your mind with high performance mental coach, Seth Pepper           Unlocking the full power of your mind with high performance mental coach, Seth Pepper          
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    Show highlights include: 

    • How your mind alone transforms you from someone who can’t swim for 30 seconds straight into a national swimming champion (1:24) 
    • Why helping others reach their full potential is the most effective way to heal yourself (2:40) 
    • How positivity “mutates” you into a winner (even if you have no talent) (3:42) 
    • The “Feeding Off Negativity” trick that turns your most embarrassing shortcomings into an unfair advantage (4:15) 
    • Why visualization and other mental training routines “unlimit” your potential (5:22) 
    • The “Autobiography Mindset” that helps you reach your dreams during uncertain and scary times (6:44) 
    • Why diving headfirst into uncomfortable situations reveals personal wisdom you can’t get anywhere else (8:17)

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