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Nick Parscale | Nick The Brave

Staying positive while battling cancer with Ian Stidham

Nick Parscale | Nick The Brave         Nick Parscale | Nick The Brave        
Staying positive while battling cancer with Ian Stidham           Staying positive while battling cancer with Ian Stidham          
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    In this episode, you’ll learn… 

    • How small encouragements can create a mountain of positivity in people’s lives (1:15) 
    • Why focusing on the good things in life help you overcome life’s biggest obstacles (1:40) 
    • How to set a positive example in other people’s lives (even when you can’t be physically close to them) (2:09) 
    • The “Kiss and Make Up Method” that erases bad feelings from your mind after a disagreement with a family member (2:43) 

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