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Marty McDonald | Taps and Tees

I can't Save your Business

Marty McDonald | Taps and Tees         Marty McDonald | Taps and Tees        
I can't Save your Business           I can't Save your Business          
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    The honeymoon phase. It refers to the early part of a relationship where there’s a blissful prelude – and this meaning has since expanded. It now can be referred to the early stages of business.

    But what happens after this honeymoon phase is over?

    What should you do when initial sales begin to grind to a halt?

    That’s the topic of today’s episode and why a marketing agency cannot save your business.

    The Show Highlights:

    • The role of honesty in today’s digital marketing landscape (3:25)
    • Why you need to stop trying to ‘catch lightning in a bottle’ when it comes to business (9:00)
    • What the most successful business owners and marketers focus on to practically guarantee their success (15:20)

    If you enjoyed today’s show, make sure you head on over to www.tapsandtees.info and download your free report of ‘No BS,’ game-changing marketing tips and strategies that show you how to blow up your brand online.

    Read Full Transcript

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