Darin Persinger
MAR193: What’s up with your database?
“The agents that are succeeding have a large database and they’re working it, and the ones that are struggling are the ones that have no database and no consistency in the communication with it.” – Darin Persinger

Today’s show is a little different.
In this episode Darin and Jonathan discuss why so many agents are using their database incorrectly.
Or even worse, why they don’t have a database at all.
Take a look at the links below for more resources on how to build and use your database to make your business flourish.
Main Topic:
Why Building A Database/List Is Still Ignored In Real Estate
Links and other stuff mentioned in this show:
1. How to stop being a do it yourselfer Think Leverage
2. How your sphere of influence is preventing you from being a rich and happy real estate agent SOIRB5
3. 6 Excuses to Increase The Frequency Of Your Marketing SendMore
4. How to get more referrals from your database Database