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Numbers never Lie:
150: “Dunbar’s Number” says you can only have 150 interpersonal relationships.
(This is the basis for the Productivity Junkies Core 16 and Connected 96 we talk about in the Referral Getter)
Main Topic:
Rich Habits 5: Building better relationships
Book Excerpt: To successful people, relationships are like gold. They tend to relationships like farmers tend crops, nurturing them every day. They are focused on others, rather than themselves.
Three tips:
1. What is your approach? More relationships or Deeper relationships?
2. Look for a way to meet people outside of your office.
3. Block time out for relationship building and be strategic about it.
Show sponsor:
The Rich Habits book gives you the daily success habits of wealthy individuals. In it you’ll find out how the rich get so rich
Links and other stuff mentioned in this show:
1. Rich Habits 1: Forming good daily habits RH1-Habits
2. Rich Habits 2: Setting Goals RH2-Goals
3. Rich Habits 3: Daily self improvement RH3-Improvement
4. Rich Habits 4: Being healthy RH4-Health