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Numbers never Lie:
69% of adults in the US are overweight – cdc

Main Topic:
Rich Habits 4: Being healthy

Book excerpt: For successful people, exercise is a routine, like brushing their teeth. They understand that daily exercise improves their bodies and their minds.

3 Questions to ask yourself:
1. Making a commitment
2. what’s important to you?
3. how do you find balance?

Show sponsor:
The Rich Habits book gives you the daily success habits of wealthy individuals. In it you’ll find out how the rich get so rich http://MakingAgentsRich.com/RichHabits

Links and other stuff mentioned in this show:
1. Rich Habits 1: Forming good daily habits  RH1-Habits
2. Rich Habits 2: Setting Goals  RH2-Goals
3. Rich Habits 3: Daily self improvement  RH3-Improvement

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