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Lorie Jones | Fearless Females

Breaking Glass Ceilings with Gargi Chaudhuri: The Unforgettable Impact of Standing Out

Lorie Jones | Fearless Females         Lorie Jones | Fearless Females        
Breaking Glass Ceilings with Gargi Chaudhuri: The Unforgettable Impact of Standing Out           Breaking Glass Ceilings with Gargi Chaudhuri: The Unforgettable Impact of Standing Out          
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    Strap in for a power-packed episode of Fearless Females as Lori sits down with Gargi Chaudhuri. Discover her extraordinary leap from a small Indian town to the charging bull of Wall Street, where she shattered ceilings and constructed ladders for aspiring women in finance.

    Tune in to hear Gargi share the secrets of transforming setbacks into comebacks and why a network is your net worth. This episode promises to ignite your drive and redefine what it means to be a fearless female in the business world.

    Don't miss the mentorship gems and career gold!

    Show Highlights:

    • How to direct the passion for a career at its inception [00:06:51]
    • Becoming indispensable with a broad perspective [00:08:00]
    • The power of self-investment to defeat impostor syndrome [00:10:10]
    • Tips to recognize and apply relevant feedback [00:13:56]
    • Game-changing what-ifs to spark the best growth [00:17:42]
    • Have this evergreen currency to enrich your career trajectory [00:21:47]
    • How to thrive as an underrepresented “only” in any industry [00:25:25]
    • Linear and non-linear growth strategies for every career phase [00:31:33]

    If you enjoyed this episode, please go to Apple Podcasts and leave a review!

    For more information about Lorie Jones, go to http://fearless-females.com/.

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