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Logan Christopher | Health Sovereign Podcast

Electromagnetic Pollution with Brandon Amalani

Logan Christopher | Health Sovereign Podcast         Logan Christopher | Health Sovereign Podcast        
Electromagnetic Pollution with Brandon Amalani           Electromagnetic Pollution with Brandon Amalani          
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    In this show, you’ll find out:

    • How the invention of the radio might’ve ruined people’s immune systems forever. (5:14)
    • What common kitchen appliance used to be military technology—and how that might harm you. (9:22)
    • How technology companies use “ the next level of marketing” to undermine health concerns for their own profit. (13:03)
    • The scary reason children are at bigger risk for tumors now. (17:36)
    • If you’re busy, feel hot often or suffer from memory loss… this might by why. (22:20)

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