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James Pollard | Financial Advisor Marketing

Dumb Marketing Financial Advice That Sounds Good But Leads Advisors Astray

James Pollard | Financial Advisor Marketing         James Pollard | Financial Advisor Marketing        
Dumb Marketing Financial Advice That Sounds Good But Leads Advisors Astray           Dumb Marketing Financial Advice That Sounds Good But Leads Advisors Astray          
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    There’s no shortage of marketing “experts” who are confident they know what they’re talking about.

    But the trouble is, many only really know enough to be dangerous. They might know what worked for them, or worked for a few, but not know why it worked. Or if it could work in your case.

    Not to mention some people succeed despite (not because of) their marketing. Look to them as a model of success, and you can sail into troubled waters without realizing it.

    Today I’m tackling the worst of the worst of this conventional marketing wisdom. Listen to find out if you’ve swallowed any of these poison principles, and how to change course before they cost you time, money, and prospects.

    Listen now!

    Show highlights include:

    • The Omnipresence Fallacy: Why being on every platform is a waste of time. How to know exactly which ones to be on so you gain your best prospects without squandering your day on social networks. (5:54)
    • How the “more traffic equals more clients” marketing philosophy actually loses you money, (even if your cost-per-click is low). (16:31)
    • The Cold Calling Debate: Cold calling is often dismissed as a “scale fail,” but you don’t have to abandon it completely. Here’s how to leverage its benefits, and when to stay away. (8:23)
    • The Steve Urkel discovery that lets mediocre closers outperform the world-class salesmen who treat every interaction as a sales decision. (18:41)
    • Why you can’t “build it and they will come.” And what even the best website needs to draw prospects who actually want to work with you. (11:30)
    • How survivorship bias skews how you perceive your marketing role models and blinds you to their flaws. You could be walking blind into a marketing disaster! (11:06)

    Want to make your emails more persuasive, profitable, and fun to write? Join my 7-Day Email Marketing Challenge here: https://www.theadvisorcoach.com/challenge

    Want to become an expert at niche marketing and put growing your business on “easy mode?” Then join my niche marketing program here: https://www.theadvisorcoach.com/niche.html

    Need help getting more clients as a financial advisor? I created a free, 53-minute video outlining the steps to my “CLIENT Method,” which helps financial advisors land more clients. Watch the video before I take it down here: https://www.theadvisorcoach.com/theclientmethod.html

    If you’re looking for a way to set more appointments with qualified prospects, sign up for James’ brand new webinar about how financial advisors can get more clients with email marketing.

    Go to https://TheAdvisorCoach.com/webinar to register today.

    Go to https://TheAdvisorCoach.com/Coaching and pick up your free 90 minute download called “5 Keys to Success for Financial Advisors” when you join The James Pollard Inner Circle.

    Want to transform your website into a client-getting machine? Go to https://www.theadvisorcoach.com/website to get The Client-Getting Website Guide.

    Want a masterclass training in running effective Facebook Ads? Head to https://TheAdvisorCoach.com/ads-training.

    Discover how to get even better at marketing yourself with these resources:





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