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In today’s episode, Jim joins you from the beautiful coastline of Italy where, something rather spontaneous and unusual happened. This event led Jim and his wife on an adventure they had not planned.

After taking an unexpected ferry ride to somewhere brand new and tasting one of the best italian pasta dishes, it reminded Jim of the word adventure and how it's so important to live in the present moment. A sweet reminder of how good life really is.

Life is just a result of all the decisions you have made up until this point. If you look hard enough (and deep enough), you'll find the bad decisions you have made have served you somehow.

If you want to create yourself a brand new reality, you've got to make different decisions. It's so important that you remember to live in the here and now to live life to its fullest!

Today’s Question: How are you going to respond next time a bird sh*ts on your pants?

Challenge Today: The next time the world hands you a curve ball, step back and think how this can make for a new adventure and live life to the fullest?

Do the real work.


Have a podcast in 30 days

Without headaches or hassles


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