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Jimmy Fullerton | Uncommon Life

The Art of Intentional Living

Jimmy Fullerton | Uncommon Life         Jimmy Fullerton | Uncommon Life        
The Art of Intentional Living           The Art of Intentional Living          
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    Not everyone lives an intentional life.

    How come?

    They don’t have a system or process to follow that keeps them motivated, engaged, and accountable.

    In today’s episode, I’m sitting down with Marc Heileman so he can share his “Path” system with you which helps him manage multiple businesses and follow strict workout routines — all while having time left over for his family and relaxation.

    Show Highlights:

    • How to transform your hobbies into a lucrative business (0:53)
    • The “F-word” that tricks your brain into doing things that you don’t want to do (11:33)
    • The single most important prerequisite for living an intentional life (21:31)
    • The startling, yet easy-to-fix reason you’re not reaching your goals (24:52)
    • The Army Ranger’s formula for knowing exactly how much planning you should do before taking action (26:07)
    • The braindead simple way to add more clarity and joy to your day (30:12)
    • How you’re unintentionally robbing yourself blind from all the opportunities in front of you (34:10)
    • The counterintuitive way strict boundaries liberate you (37:19)
    • The subtle mindset shift that prevents you from quitting when you don’t reach your goals (46:39)
    • Want to become ridiculously successful? All you need to do is master this trait… (50:53)

    Want to learn more about Marc and Treadstone Climbing Gym? Follow him on Facebook here and follow Treadstone Climbing Gym here.

    For a more thorough understanding behind the philosophies that inspired Marc, check out his website at http://MarcsBasecamp.com/.

    If you want to recession-proof your business and thrive in any area of life, go to www.uncommonlifepodcast.com and grab your free report today. I share with you the 5 key principles that have transformed and elevated my life – and they can do the same for you too if consistently applied.

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