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Joe Evangelisti | Whole-Scaling

The Wholesale Syndicate

Joe Evangelisti | Whole-Scaling         Joe Evangelisti | Whole-Scaling        
The Wholesale Syndicate           The Wholesale Syndicate          
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    Do you think your wholesale business would boom if you had access to other experts in the space? Where you could ask questions to other wholesalers who have already conquered the problem you’re trying to solve?

    That’s the idea behind The Wholesale Syndicate. It’s a place full of successful wholesalers where you can piggyback off of ideas, receive specific advice in real time, and collaborate with them.

    In today’s episode, Adam Balsinger and Larry Lamantia join me to share how The Wholesale Syndicate helped them 2x their business in a few months. They also reveal the biggest mistake they’ve made in real estate and the steps they’ve taken so you can duplicate their results.

    Here Are The Show Highlights:

    • Why fixing and flipping houses isn’t nearly as profitable as it seems (4:25)
    • Here’s why wholesaling always beats fix and flipping in a fight (6:22)
    • The “H-word” that puts your piggy bank on steroids (8:13)
    • Why you can’t rely on interviewing alone when hiring salespeople (11:15)
    • Steve Job’s iPod secret that paved the way for Apple’s takeover (12:17)
    • The case for encouraging your employees to make mistakes (21:05)
    • How a $6,000 mistake can help you 10x your wholesale business (22:24)

    If you're ready to put the power of wholescaling to work for you, then head over to https://JoeEvangelisti.com/downloads to get your free “Business In A Box” downloads.

    Or if you're a true action taker, ready to blow the lid off your results. You can apply now to work with our team to build the business of your dreams faster than you ever thought possible. Go to http://realestatemoneymindset.com to apply and change your life.

    Do you want to become a successful wholesaler and help support the show? Then, share this with two people and go to wherever you listen to podcasts, subscribe to the show, and leave a 5-star rating and review. We will pick one of the top five star comments and give away free swag and goodies.

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