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Jill Allen | Find Your Fierce

Parenting like a Queen

Jill Allen | Find Your Fierce         Jill Allen | Find Your Fierce        
Parenting like a Queen           Parenting like a Queen          
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    In this episode, you’ll discover… 

    • How laughing instantly banishes anger when your kids drive you crazy (2:15) 
    • Why trying to discipline your children when you’re not calm backfires and makes them angrier and more upset (4:41) 
    • The “Emotional Oxygen Mask Method” that puts parenting on “easy mode” (5:46) 
    • How to use your “Inner Benevolent Dictator” already inside you to always be cool, calm, and collected when dealing with chaotic children (6:26) 
    • 3 go-to archetypes all mothers revert to that poisons your relationship with your kids (and how to replace these with the demeanor of a good queen) (7:02) 
    • The subtle, yet insidious way asking permission from your kids makes them not respect you (10:02) 
    • How giving your children nice commands makes them happy to do what you say (12:33) 
    • A simple, but powerful mental fitness exercise that instantly makes you a better, more joyful mom (15:53) 
    • The “Superwoman Stance” that effortlessly brings out your inner queen (especially when you’re stressed and frustrated) (18:09) 
    • The “Advisor Technique” that empowers your teenagers and prevents them from having mental breakdowns (21:55) 

    If you’d like to set up a free 25-minute parenting coaching session, you can schedule a session here: https://coachingwithmvg.as.me/schedule.php?appointmentType=6549717. And you can follow Mary on Instagram here: https://www.instagram.com/maryvangeffen/?hl=en or check out here website here: https://www.maryvangeffen.com/

    If you’d like a sneak peek at my soon-to-be-released book, Set Free: A Woman’s Guide to Clarity, Freedom, & God’s Endless Love, you can download the first 5 pages here: jillallencoaching.com

    If you’re ready to rise up and become the best version of yourself, check out the 12-month mindset and accountability experience that will help you rise up, click on the just breathe link at jillallencoaching.com

    If you have zero energy to focus on yourself and need extra support and accountability from women who know what it’s like to juggle a crazy busy life, then go to the Fit & Fierce link at jillallencoaching.com and become unstoppable with us. 

    Or, if you want to join a sisterhood dedicated to growing our faith, join our Just Breathe Facebook Group.

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