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Jill Allen | Find Your Fierce

Passion to Profits Series #3

Jill Allen | Find Your Fierce         Jill Allen | Find Your Fierce        
Passion to Profits Series #3           Passion to Profits Series #3          
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    In this episode, you’ll learn…

    • How your spouse can help you unlock your full potential — particularly in business (7:51)
    • The trick to invite good fortune and blessings into your business (9:47)
    • How to create a culture where no employee wants to leave (even 20 years down the road) (10:31)
    • Two simple, but hard ways to make your employees feel like part of your family (12:14)
    • Why the “F-word” is the single best ways to make your employees excited to work for you (13:44)
    • The reason leadership skills beat management skills in entrepreneurship (16:50)
    • How your mindset is the difference between your business withering away or becoming super successful (21:02)

    If you want to follow Rob, check him out on his Facebook Page. Or if you want to learn more about our Lancaster Greenhouse and Nursery, check out our website here https://lancastergreenhouse.com/ and follow us on Facebook and Instagram.

    If you’re looking for a rewarding side gig or a full time career that allows you the flexibility to have a lot of fun, reach out to me at jill@jillallencoaching.com or on the Jill Allen Coaching Facebook Page.

    If you have zero energy to focus on yourself and need extra support and accountability from women who know what it’s like to juggle a crazy busy life, then go to https://befitandfierce.com and become unstoppable with us.

    Or, if you want to join a sisterhood dedicated to growing our faith, join our Just Breathe Facebook Group.

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