Have a podcast in 30 days

Without headaches or hassles

Look, tomorrow we'll get back to your normal daily dose of email goodness from me.

But I'm on a mission and it's for your own good.

People always tell me they want to start an authority based business, but they don't know what the first step is.

They complain to me about how they can't charge premium prices because nobody knows who they are.

They're worried about calling themselves an "expert" even if they're just starting out.

And those are all valid concerns.

That's why I've decided to keep the doors open to my Podcast Launch Coach program for a few extra hours.

Heck, I've even added a 2 pay option to make it super affordable for anyone who wants in.

The reason why is because I need some case studies.

Sure, it looks easy when I take guys like Ben Settle, Kevin Rogers, and Dan Meredith and amplify their message to give them bigger "mindshare" in their market.

But what about you – what about the the guys and girls who are just starting out.

What about the folks who are just getting into their market and making a name for themselves.

Can I help you too?

You bet – that's what the 30 day Podcast Launch Coach is about.

And sure, the name makes it sound like it's all about podcasting – but it doesn't mean you have to do the work to start your own.

There are other ways to use podcasting to grow your authority.

You can be a guest on other people's shows. 
You can form JV partnerships with podcasters.

That's why when you sign up I'll hop on a call with you, go over your goals, and figure out the best plan of attack for the next thirty days.

Then I'll give you a 30 day action plan and be there by your side the whole way to make sure you're able to make it happen.

This is your last chance to get in and these crazy prices.

When we come back next year the price will be much higher and I'll be way pickier about who I let in.

Get in before the clocks strikes midnight at ThePodcastFactory.com/plc

See you inside,
Producer Jonathan


16877 E. Colonial Drive #203
Orlando Florida 32820

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Have a podcast in 30 days

Without headaches or hassles


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