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Mike Fallat | Inner Circle Podcast

Inner Circle Intro Episode

Mike Fallat | Inner Circle Podcast         Mike Fallat | Inner Circle Podcast        
Inner Circle Intro Episode           Inner Circle Intro Episode          
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    The Inner Circle Podcast is for patriot entrepreneurs who want obtain freedom.

    If you have started a business or looking to start a business, then this podcast will be valuable to you.

    One thing I have learned since starting a business (in 2008) is the immense power of your circle.  The greatest indicator of success is your choice of relationships.  If you surround yourself with like-minded entrepreneurs, who share the same core values, then you are positioned for high levels of achievement.

    I do not surround myself or do business with people who don't love America.  If you are like me, then it is time to join the INNER CIRCLE.

    You are only as strong as your circle.  See you inside.

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