Have a podcast in 30 days

Without headaches or hassles

The other day my friend Igor Kheifets, from the List Building Lifestyle Show said to me,

"Jonathan, I see you're finally emailing more. I'm enjoying reading your emails."

And the funny part is, I email more than he knows.

In fact last year I emailed my main Podcast Factory list every single day.

Yes, 365 days last year they got an email from me.

If you're not on that list you might only see my weekend emails where I share a video and what's hot at The Podcast Factory for the last week.

In order to crank out an email every single day I have a pretty simple system. I type > I hit send > I forget about it.

And sometimes that comes back to bite me in the butt.

Take yesterday for instance.

I sent out an email about New Years Resolutions where I said 22 out of 100 people don't do what they said they were going to do. That means 88% of people #fail.

As soon as I read it, I knew I would hear back from people telling me how much I suck at math.

Maybe I'm not good at math, but what I'm really bad at is proofing my emails before send them.

Fact is, it was a typo that should have read "78% of people #fail."

Either way, I think the number is much higher than that – but that's a different story.

It's another case of hitting send and forgetting about it.

So what I'm trying to say is I'm not perfect. If you demand perfection, I'm not your guy.

I'm a man of action. I measure results by what gets done.

And that comes in handy when we're talking about launching Podcast Shows.

Last weekend, while most of the world was celebrating the New Year, me and my team launched two new shows.

We do whatever it takes to make sure our clients get their show on the air when they want it no matter what.

We're sorta like the United States Post Office that way – come rain, sleet, or snow – we deliver.

If that kind of dedication sounds like what you're looking for, and you're ready to start your podcast show then I've got some good news for you.

After 3 months, we're finally opening up a couple of spots to produce new shows at The Podcast Factory.

There will only be 2 spots available and we're picky about who we work with.

If you're ready to be a thought leader in your market and you know a podcast will take you there, then get on the early notice list to be the first to know when we open these two spots up >>> http://thepodcastfactory.com/difm/

Producer Jonathan


16877 E. Colonial Drive #203
Orlando Florida 32820

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Have a podcast in 30 days

Without headaches or hassles


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