Have a podcast in 30 days

Without headaches or hassles

Check it, yesterday I dropped you a note to let you know about video two in my Podcast Intensive training.

But I saved the best for today's email.

See, video two is the thickest of the series because it's all about building your listenership (even before you build your show.)

You heard about my "list jacking" method and how it was better than any paid traffic I have ever used.

But we didn't talk about the sexiest part about having your own podcast show.

It's the fact that when you launch your show in iTunes, you'll be tapping into all the listeners looking for new shows every day.

Here's what you'll find out in the second half of video #2:

  • The mistake most podcasters make that holds them back so they don’t break 10 shows and never get more than a handful of listeners
  • Why most shows suck and will never be able to tap into the true power of iTune’s one BILLION subscribers
  • The four “must have” ingredients to getting your show to shoot up the charts. (Even if you use ONE of these you’ll see massive improvements, but combining all four, results can be astronomical)
  • The deep, dark secret I learned from someone who was on John Lee Dumas’ Entrepreneur on Fire show
  • The Podcast Launch Formula: 8 steps taking you from idea to launch 
  • How to avoid falling into the same trap most podcasters do, polluting your listeners earholes and actually driving them away (HINT: Its all to do with I Tune’s New and Noteworthy category)
  • Why you’ve gotta grab the bull by the horns during the Honeymoon period with I-Tunes otherwise you’ll end up ‘just another interview podcast’ with lukewarm listeners.

Some people have told me this video alone was well worth the price of admission into the Podcast Intensive.

But you're running out of time.

Tomorrow is your last chance to grab the Podcast Intensive at such a low price.

I'm raising the price 33% Saturday morning and hiring a copywriter to do the fancy sales page thing.

And even at the new price it would still be a deal if you take what you learn and apply it to your business.

Grab your copy now today before the price hike at http://thepodcastfactory.com/3days

See you inside,
Producer Jonathan


16877 E. Colonial Drive #203
Orlando Florida 32820

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Have a podcast in 30 days

Without headaches or hassles


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