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Harold Green | Stop Doing What You Hate!

The 1% Myth

Harold Green | Stop Doing What You Hate!         Harold Green | Stop Doing What You Hate!        
The 1% Myth           The 1% Myth          
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    In this episode, Harold shares insights that could be a game changer for your investment strategy. He debunks the myth of the 1% investment management fee and highlights the importance of comprehensive financial planning services.

    Through real-life examples, Harold illustrates the impact of strategic investment management and the potential returns it can generate. If you're looking to take control of your financial future and understand the true value of professional financial guidance, this episode is a must-listen.

    Stay tuned for valuable insights and thought-provoking perspectives from Harold Green.

    Show Highlights:

    • Debunking the 1% investment management fee myth. [02:29]
    • This is why people end up in the 97%. [04:50]
    • What should be the payment of investment advisors? [06:40]
    • Here is how you can work with a financial planner. [08:48]
    • Are you taking advantage of a hot stock market? [10:23]
    • How can you prioritize value over quantity? [11:26]
    • Is past performance the right indication of future results? [14:18]
    • Can you earn money when the market is bad? [15:48]

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