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Harold Green | Stop Doing What You Hate!

97/3 - Intro

Harold Green | Stop Doing What You Hate!         Harold Green | Stop Doing What You Hate!        
97/3 - Intro           97/3 - Intro          
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    Welcome to the latest episode of “Stop Doing What You Hate” with your host, Harold Green! Today, we explore the concept of the 97/3 and what it means for your financial future. Harold walks us through how being in the 3% of Americans who retire with enough money to last a lifetime can transform your life.

    From outrunning inflation to economic and mental freedom, he explains how being a part of the 3% can change everything. Join us as Harold shares insights on creating generational wealth, living life to the fullest, and rising above societal limitations.

    Stay tuned for valuable tips and inspiring stories that will empower you to take control of your financial destiny.

    Show Highlights:

    • Know more about the life-changing strategy of 97/3. [00:56]
    • Can you outrun inflation to get to the 3 percent? [03:39]
    • Discover the key to economic and mental freedom. [04:00]
    • Here is the ultimate method to avoid economic trauma. [05:16]
    • The impact of changing your vocabulary and mindset about money. [06:25]
    • How can you create generational wealth for your children? [08:12]
    • Say goodbye to cost-counting forever. [09:12]
    • Is it possible to fly above systemic issues? [10:03]

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