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Harold Green | Stop Doing What You Hate!

Career + Major = College

Harold Green | Stop Doing What You Hate!         Harold Green | Stop Doing What You Hate!        
Career + Major = College           Career + Major = College          
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    Highlights from this episode include:

    • Choosing a school based on this can be the worst educational mistake you ever make (4:50)
    • This is when you can get the most free money for college (5:56)
    • Never forget that this is the most important (and ONLY) reason for going to college (6:42)
    • How making the right educational choices protects you from future disasters (10:01)
    • Why you shouldn’t worry about having a career that you love (10:57)
    • This is how you get the maximum amount of cash from your education (15:52)
    • A surefire sign that a school is the right one for you (18:09)
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