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Harold Green | Stop Doing What You Hate!

Don't Let Money Ruin Your Life

Harold Green | Stop Doing What You Hate!         Harold Green | Stop Doing What You Hate!        
Don't Let Money Ruin Your Life           Don't Let Money Ruin Your Life          
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    Highlights from this episode include:

    • This insidious mentality can ruin your financial AND emotional life (1:54)
    • Making decisions based on this is one of the worst ways people allow money to ruin their life (8:22)
    • Using this system for your finances will destroy your marriage (9:48)
    • No matter how successful you are, these people can pull you back down if you keep them around (14:38)
    • These two emotions are the most likely to drag you down into poverty (15:30)
    • This is the only way to keep money from ruining your life (15:47)
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