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Greg Smith | Rise Above Podcast

3 Signs You Have A Poor Persons Mindset

Greg Smith | Rise Above Podcast         Greg Smith | Rise Above Podcast        
3 Signs You Have A Poor Persons Mindset           3 Signs You Have A Poor Persons Mindset          
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    If you are not making as much money or living the kind of lifestyle you want, chances are that you are holding yourself back. And your mindset is the biggest roadblock to your financial freedom. The most significant difference between the wealthy and the poor is how they view certain things.

    In this episode, Greg will discuss the things you need to stop focusing on to generate wealth, why you’ll never get rich by getting paid more, and how the rich grow their bank accounts by spending money.

    Show highlights:

    • If you talk about this more than anything else, you’re keeping yourself broke (2:30)
    • Focusing on this prevents you from ever accomplishing your goals (3:57)
    • Increasing this is far more important than increasing your paycheck (7:04)
    • Doing this is why the rich get richer while you stay poor (9:47)
    • The surprising way that you can grow your wealth by spending money (11:07)

    If you want to live life on YOUR terms and spend more time doing the things you love, then head over to www.riseabovepodcast.com and download your free Freedom Formula. What are you waiting for?

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