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Dave Parks | It's My Turn To Care

What can a nurse tell me about Caregiver Burnout?

Dave Parks | It's My Turn To Care         Dave Parks | It's My Turn To Care        
What can a nurse tell me about Caregiver Burnout?           What can a nurse tell me about Caregiver Burnout?          
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    Most of us never plan to become caregivers for our loved ones. The choice is often made for us by our life circumstances. As a result, we don’t factor in how much time, effort, and emotional energy caregiving requires.

    You can’t pour from an empty cup. And if you try to take care of yourself and your loved one, you will eventually burn out. When that happens, you can’t help anyone.

    On this episode, I’m joined by home health care nurse Diedra Kindred to discuss why it’s ok to ask for help, how being a caregiver can reduce your lifespan, and warning signs that you are burning out.

    Here Are The Show Highlights:

    • How you can be ok with recharging while others care for your loved one. (4:30)
    • The shockingly high percentage of caregivers that pass away BEFORE the person they’re caring for (5:27)
    • Overlooked care tasks that must be discussed or you may risk a non-medical crisis (8:55)
    • The single best way to handle outside offers of help even when you feel like you don’t need it (10:03)
    • The sad truth about why we refuse help and how that harms our loved ones (10:58)
    • Take this step TODAY to effectively care for your loved one during difficult times (13:44)
    • 2 blaring wake-up call signs you are burning out and will be unable to provide effective care (15:15)
    • The “20-20-20” plan for restorative self-care that combats burnout (18:40)

    For daily 5-minute mind exercises, head over and like my Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/hcafortworth/

    You can also find additional support and resources by calling Home Care Assistance at 817-349-7599 or visit our websites https://www.homecareassistancefortworth.com/ and https://itsmyturntocare.com/.

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