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Cherylanne Skolnicki | Brilliant Balance

Protecting time for self care during the holidays

Cherylanne Skolnicki | Brilliant Balance         Cherylanne Skolnicki | Brilliant Balance        
Protecting time for self care during the holidays           Protecting time for self care during the holidays          
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    Many women end up creating all the holiday experiences for their families. And while you want to enjoy the holidays, taking it all on your shoulders can transform your relaxing time off into another stressful work day.

    But, you don’t have to do it all! It’s important for you to take time to care for yourself. You and your family will benefit.

    In this episode, I discuss why it’s important for you to experience the joy of the holidays and how to remove the burden of feeling responsible for everyone else.

    Show highlights include:

    • How to remove the stress of people you “have” to buy gifts for (6:34)
    • Why you never get to enjoy the delicious things you bake and how to change that today (9:27)
    • The surprising reason you never show up in any holiday party photos and how to start enjoying yourself again (10:57)
    • How to overcome all your excuses and fully participate in the holiday festivities this year (14:44)

    Come follow along!

    Balance the hustle and bustle of the holiday season with our master holiday plan. Visit: https://brilliant-balance.com/holiday

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