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Cherylanne Skolnicki | Brilliant Balance

Food and Body Image: How to talk to our girls when we're still confused ourselves with Dr. Ashley Solomon

Cherylanne Skolnicki | Brilliant Balance         Cherylanne Skolnicki | Brilliant Balance        
Food and Body Image: How to talk to our girls when we're still confused ourselves with Dr. Ashley Solomon           Food and Body Image: How to talk to our girls when we're still confused ourselves with Dr. Ashley Solomon          
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    Conversations about body image are some of the most difficult to have with our daughters. So many of us have our own struggles and insecurities and don’t know what to say, much less how to guide them through their insecurities.

    In this episode, I’m joined by Dr. Ashley Solomon to discuss how to handle body image issues with your daughter, why avoiding the discussion is dangerous, and how to know when to seek professional help

    Show highlights include:

    • The root of why food and body image issues are so difficult to address (8:38)
    • The secret to instilling true confidence in yourself (10:38)
    • An insidious hidden danger of avoiding these conversations with your daughter (13:50)
    • Why you shouldn’t fear saying the wrong thing, and how to recover well when you do (17:03)
    • The universal core messages that you need to get across to your children (18:16)
    • How to counter dangerously incorrect info on diet and nutrition (23:07)
    • A serious sign that healthy habits are being taken too far (28:36)
    • A trick to filtering unhelpful messages from your social media (33:16)
    • How to know when it’s time to seek professional help (33:50)

    Dr. Ashley Solomon is a licensed clinical psychologist and the founder of Galia Collaborative, an organization that empowers purpose-driven women to elevate their impact by developing their mental strength and well-being. Dr. Solomon is a nationally-recognized expert in the treatment of body image, eating concerns, and stress. She serves organizations and individuals through both therapy and coaching and blends her warm spirit, brain science, and real-life wisdom to support women at challenge points in their lives.

    Website: https://galiacollaborative.com/

    IG: https://www.instagram.com/galiacollaborative/

    FB: https://www.facebook.com/galiacollaborative/

    Download Ashley's Mental Wellness Assessment to check in on your own mental health.

    Post on Instagram with #letsbebrilliant and tag @cskolnicki

    Join the Brilliant Balance Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/281949848958057/

    Learn more about Cherylanne’s work:  https://cherylanneskolnicki.com

    Find out more about Brilliant Balance Breakthrough: https://cherylanneskolnicki.com/program/

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