Have a podcast in 30 days

Without headaches or hassles

Confucius said, “Better a diamond with a flaw than a pebble without.”

The old dude was right.

You can strive forever to create something perfect – but it might never be a diamond.

In other words…

Perfection is the enemy of done.

Most people want everything they put into the world to be perfect.

So they never put anything out.

Me, I'd rather be done than perfect.

Take my latest video” The Best Podcasting Equipment 2019

I used my camera with no mic to record it.

The result: Subpar sound.

And I've been taking a lot of heat about it on Flakebook.

But you know what?

The sound quality doesn't affect the content.

The Mic, Software, and tip I give you about podcasting all hold true.

If you haven't checked it out go to https://thepodcastfactory.com/best-podcasting-equipment-2019/ for my recommendations on the best equipment to use for podcasting.

Producer Jonathan

Have a podcast in 30 days

Without headaches or hassles


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