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Chris Garrison | Bigger Vision

How to Turn Rags Into Riches

Chris Garrison | Bigger Vision         Chris Garrison | Bigger Vision        
How to Turn Rags Into Riches           How to Turn Rags Into Riches          
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    There are 2.1 trillion dollars in circulation in the United States alone. $2,100,000,000,000!
    Yet most Americans would go broke if they were hit by a $1000 surprise expense tomorrow.

    So where is your share of the wealth? There’s a simple answer.
    Wealth goes to those who play the game of wealth, not those who sit on the sidelines.
    So if you’re sick of spectating and want to start generating your own wealth, listen up!
    In this episode, you’ll discover the step-by-step blueprint for becoming wealthy (even if you’re working for peanuts now). It’s so simple, you can take the first step 10 minutes from now!

    Listen now.

    Show Highlights Include:

    • How “rock-bottom” drug addicts become real estate tycoons (use this principle to unlock wealth) (0:39)
    • Watch these people on YouTube to reprogram your mind into a success-generation machine (1:48)
    • The “excuses” trap that steals your free will (and guarantees you rely on someone else for the rest of your life) (3:28)
    • The weird way doing sit ups in the morning sets you up for a life of prosperity (5:10)
    • Not sure how to build your social media audience? Here’s how to make it easy (all you need is a dog, a frying pan, or a church) (8:41)

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