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Chris Garrison | Bigger Vision

Changing your Financial Status

Chris Garrison | Bigger Vision         Chris Garrison | Bigger Vision        
Changing your Financial Status           Changing your Financial Status          
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    What would life be like if you never had to work for another dollar in your life?

    Whether you want to spend more time with your family, travel the globe, or build a meaningful legacy – there’s a good reason most of us dream of financial freedom.

    Yet so few of us actually get there.

    Which is a shame because if you’re capable of reading this, you’re capable of reaching 7-figures a year.

    There’s only two things you need to do:

    1. Be willing to take massive action
    2. Dial up your financial thermostat

    Do these two things, and it’s a matter of time until you reach the freedom you’ve dreamed of.

    In this episode we’re talking about how to get to financial freedom. By the end of this episode, you’ll have all the knowledge you need to hit 7-figure years and finally be free!

    Listen now!

    Show highlights include: 

    • Why hanging around people with fancy cars helps you get from 6 figures a year to 7-figures (2:08)
    • The two ways you can dial up your “financial thermostat” to create more wealth than you thought possible (6:30)
    • The step-by-step pathway to financial freedom (from $500 to 7-figures) (9:44)
    • The “arbitrage” secret the wealthy use to accelerate their income (11:57)
    • How your savings account is harming your net worth (12:15)
    • The investment vehicle that’s getting 108% ROI with other people’s money (13:00)

    Get past being stuck and find new ideas to grow by joining the Bigger Vision Facebook group and visiting MyBiggerVision.Com

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