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Chris Garrison | Bigger Vision

Routines that Change Your Life

Chris Garrison | Bigger Vision         Chris Garrison | Bigger Vision        
Routines that Change Your Life           Routines that Change Your Life          
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    We all fall back on routines over and over again. 

    You can go a whole day without noticing them, but these habits define who we are as people – and how successful we are in our lives.

    Start your day with the habits of a lazy, low-energy loser… you'll become a lazy, low-energy loser. 

    Start your day with the habits of your wealthy, healthy idol… guess what you'll become? 

    So how do you know if your routines are holding you back? And what habits will unlock a life of abundance? 

    Listen to this episode to find out! 

    Show highlights include: 

    • The new, potent “stimulant” that gives you more energy than a Red Bull… side effects include clear thinking, a powerful physique and a longer lifespan (1:49) 
    • Achieve crazy success by talking to yourself like a “crazy” person (4:04) 
    • How to double the effectiveness of your workout by plugging “brain steroids” into your ears (7:00) 
    • How to “become the bank” so that you can give more and maximise your freedom (8:48) 
    • Go from restless nights to the deepest sleep of your life by scribbling a few lines on a notepad (11:43) 
    • The only app you need to take your planning and preparation to the next level (13:43)

    Get past being stuck and find new ideas to grow by joining the Bigger Vision Facebook group and visiting MyBiggerVision.Com

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