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Cory M. Carlson | Win At Home First

One Degree Better: Nick Spicher interviews me to discuss getting one degree better in your family, spirituality, and business

Cory M. Carlson | Win At Home First         Cory M. Carlson | Win At Home First        
One Degree Better: Nick Spicher interviews me to discuss getting one degree better in your family, spirituality, and business           One Degree Better: Nick Spicher interviews me to discuss getting one degree better in your family, spirituality, and business          
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    In this episode, you’ll discover… 

    • Hate promoting yourself and your business? Here’s why it’s easier to do it at the beginning of your day (4:47) 
    • The “Why Discipline Strategy” that builds respect, gives your children ownership, and encourages them to do their chores every day without being asked (6:50) 
    • The “Invitation Challenge Matrix” that helps you have more fun with your children without sacrificing your authority (9:39) 
    • The dirt-simple nightly gratitude challenge that turns you from a pessimist into an optimist (13:06) 
    • Why looking forward to business and family conflicts helps you conquer them instead of burning out (23:19) 
    • The strange way driving a different way to yoru office helps your business grow (26:14) 
    • How being vulnerable about your weaknesses makes you a stronger and more relatable leader (28:28) 

    Are you crushing it at work but struggling at home? If you want to learn how to win at home, then go to https://CoryMCarlson.com and download your free copy of “10 Ways To Win At Home.”

    If you're looking for a resource to help you with these times when your work is now in your home, check out my book Win At Home First on Amazon. Forbes Magazine rated it one of 7 books everyone on your team should read.

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