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Brad Thorberg | Faith N Fairways

Why the average golfer might still be struggling?

Brad Thorberg | Faith N Fairways         Brad Thorberg | Faith N Fairways        
Why the average golfer might still be struggling?           Why the average golfer might still be struggling?          
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    If you’re a regular listener, you now know the “30-30-5” code to breaking 90.

    But what if you still don’t break 90? Maybe not even break 100?

    If you’re still struggling, you’re not alone. The truth is: The average golfer would struggle to hit their goals even if they had all the golf knowledge in the world.

    In this episode, you’ll find out exactly why most golfers still struggle and how to reverse that effect so you can break 90 consistently.

    Listen now if you’re ready to put everything you’ve learned into practice and become the golfer everyone else at the club looks up to.

    Show highlights include:

    • The technique that makes errors in your swing so obvious you’ll know exactly how to improve for your next round of golf. (3:45)
    • If you think breaking 90 is impossible for you, you’ll never do it. Here’s how to build rock-solid belief in your ability to break 90 at will. (5:30)
    • One property of golf that makes it so awesome–but also makes it crazy hard to master. (11:15)
    • How to put your brain on “success autopilot” whenever you start playing a round of golf. (12:00)

    Find out about the 3 most common mistakes that sabotage your game before you ever step up to the tee at: https://mygolfcode.com

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