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Brad Thorberg | Faith N Fairways

Pitch the Ball inside 30’ by Thinking Ball Toss for a Million

Brad Thorberg | Faith N Fairways         Brad Thorberg | Faith N Fairways        
Pitch the Ball inside 30’ by Thinking Ball Toss for a Million           Pitch the Ball inside 30’ by Thinking Ball Toss for a Million          
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    You probably know the situation: You know exactly where the ball needs to land so you can golf par. You get ready, take your swing–and miss your target.

    It’s embarrassing in front of your friends. But more importantly, it makes you wonder why you’re not playing the golf you’re capable of.

    If that’s you, this episode is for you. You’ll find out how to mentally prepare yourself to hit any shot you want to.

    After this episode, you’ll use the “Ball Toss for a Million” method and watch balls land exactly where you need them to land–even if you thought your swing is bad. This is how you become the accurate golfer you know you can be.

    Show highlights include:

    • How “missed” shots that land on the fringe can help you break 90. (4:00)
    • The most important variable you can control in golf—and how to control it to get the results you want consistently. (9:25)
    • The 2-step process that lets amateurs break 90 consistently (this sounds almost too simple, but it takes a lot of practice). (13:05)
    • The “plug-and-play” drill you can do to get the ball within 30’ of the cup consistently. (15:20)

    Find out about the 3 most common mistakes that sabotage your game before you ever step up to the tee at: https://mygolfcode.com

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