Ben Settle | Antipreneur
How to abuse an apprentice without leaving any marks
Just because I no longer have an apprentice, doesn’t mean I can’t still abuse other peoples’ apprentices.
Case in point:
Before my podcast announcer chick Misty sends emails to the podcast list, she always sends to me for my perusal. You know, just in case. And, a couple months ago she asked about her apprentice. Specifically, she wanted to know how I judge whether her emails are good enough to fly, and how she could apply my same criteria to her apprentice who writes the emails for her fitness bootcamp.
My answer?
Let’s do a podcast about it.
Let’s bring her apprentice on the air and put his emails on the hot seat, shining a spot light on him to make him sweat, and confess his crimes. That way, he can learn how to make his emails always worthy of sending, while I also teach my audience a thing or three about writing emails that make lots of sales.
Short story long?
I had both of ‘em on.
And, well, it got a bit messy.
But, real solutions where found and real sales are being made.
You can now listen in as I abuse Misty’s apprentice on the air (without leaving any marks) right here:
Ben Settle