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BSA101: 7 Business-saving jagged little pills that hurt like hell going down

BSA101: 7 Business-saving jagged little pills that hurt like hell going down           BSA101: 7 Business-saving jagged little pills that hurt like hell going down          
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    In today’s podcast we wrap up the first 70 “Email Players” rules.

    We talk about:

    • How to wisely (and ethically) use “hype” to side-step lagging attention spans.
    • Why credibility is only the second most important thing in email marketing (hardly anyone talks about the #1 thing and it costs them lots of sales).
    • Arguably the single best movie ever made for would-be entrepreneurs and business school students to watch before spending a single penny getting started.
    • What copywriters working on commission need to be aware of.
    • When never to get involved in a joint venture — even if the person your JV’ing with is honest as the day is long and has no intention of screwing you over. (I wasted over a ever of my life with nothing to show for it that I can never get back not knowing this.)
    • Why I don’t segment my list but insist on everyone else segmenting theirs.
    • The dangers of trying to “reverse engineer” marketing and copywriting systems instead of just paying for them.
    • The big mastermind group lesson I learned while eating lunch with Brian Kurtz (former Executive VP of Boardroom, Inc).
    • How you’re hurting your leads, customers, and clients by not emailing them daily.
    • The dead comedian’s counter-intuitive guide for keeping good people in your life. (Clients, customers, friends, girlfriend, etc.)
    • And lots more…

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    Without headaches or hassles


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