Have a podcast in 30 days

Without headaches or hassles

One of my favorite things to do is call Guroobs out on their lies.

They tell you things they know you want to hear so you'll buy their sh*t.

In the short term that's bad because some people fall for it hook, line, and sinker.

Long term it's a good thing because they won't be in business long enough to fool anyone else.

Today I want to expose one of the biggest lies Guroobs are telling people about podcasting today.

And the bad part about this big fat lie is it's believed by people at all levels.

No Joke.

Someone who just applied to work with me (with a biz doing $60k per month) asked me about it.

I told her the truth.

And it may have cost me the sale,

But I wanted to set the correct expectations before we take the next step.

Anyways, I recorded a quick video exposing this Guroob Lie and you can watch it now.

Scroll down and click play.

Have a podcast in 30 days

Without headaches or hassles


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