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Bob Gardner | Alive and Free

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Bob Gardner | Alive and Free         Bob Gardner | Alive and Free        
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    When you invite freedom into your life, it creates a domino effect that seeps into every aspect of your life—for the better.

    Take Lee for example:

    By inviting freedom into his life after attending a retreat, he finally put his body at ease. Then, his mind became at ease, and he didn’t have as many dark and depressing thoughts. Next, he lost 30 pounds, then 60 pounds, then 100 pounds. Before freedom, he had sleep apnea and stopped breathing 175 times each hour. After freedom, he’s had nights where he only stops breathing 0.4 times per hour! He’s also sold his home, sold 99.5% of his possessions because they were no longer serving him, and is unquestionably the happiest he’s ever been in his life.

    Imagine you had a similar transformation — where joy and freedom are your defaults. And you experience a glorious cycle of your life getting better each and every day.

    That’s what freedom offers you. And in this episode, Lee and I break down Lee’s amazing transformation in nitty-gritty detail, so you realize positive change is more possible than you think.

    Listen now.

    Show Highlights Include

    • How choosing freedom can help you lose 30 pounds, erase your negative thoughts, and unlock a joy-filled life (3:51)
    • The weird way freedom can eliminate serious health problems like sleep apnea (5:19)
    • How to “flip” your mood from gloomy and depressed to bubbly and happy with one simple question (7:01)
    • Why your body can dupe you into feeling depressed even when you aren't (and how to notice when this happens) (8:59)
    • How to physically rewire your brain for joy and peace instead of depression and misery (12:07)
    • How freedom helps you feel almost 4 decades younger (14:39)
    • The sneaky “hidden costs” of your identity and how they gradually fill you with dread and overwhelm (24:24)
    • How purging 90% of your possessions invites freedom into your body and psyche (28:47)
    • The “Subtracting Misery” secret for instantly boosting your happiness (without exerting any effort) (36:34)

    Need help unlocking mental, emotional, and physical freedom in your life? Grab my new book, Built for Freedom: Adventures Through Stress, Anxiety, Depression, Addiction, Trauma, Pain, and Our Body’s Innate Ability to Leave Them All Behind on Amazon (or Audible) here: https://www.amazon.com/Built-Freedom-Adventures-Depression-Addiction/dp/B0BS79GMYN

    Or head over to https://thefreedomspecialist.com/ and book a call where we can look at your unique situation and give you the roadmap you’ve been missing.

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