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The Ison Law Firm | The Pilot Lawyer Podcast

FAA Medical and Uncomplicated Anxiety, Depression, and Related Conditions

The Ison Law Firm | The Pilot Lawyer Podcast         The Ison Law Firm | The Pilot Lawyer Podcast        
FAA Medical and Uncomplicated Anxiety, Depression, and Related Conditions           FAA Medical and Uncomplicated Anxiety, Depression, and Related Conditions          
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    Today, we're tackling the FAA's latest updates on medical certifications for conditions like uncomplicated anxiety, depression, and more. Discover how new rules may help pilots avoid deferrals and what legal protections you need to consider.

    From postpartum depression to self-harm and involuntary mental health evaluations, this episode covers the essential details you won't want to miss. Plus, learn why consulting a lawyer can make all the difference in your FAA medical certification journey.

    Tune in for crucial tips and insights that every pilot should know.

    Show Highlights:

    • Discussing lawyers and the aspect of confidentiality. [01:51]
    • Here is everything you need to know about attorney-client privilege. [04:58]
    • The FAA regulations about uncomplicated anxiety and depression. [08:51]
    • Find out why the FAA may request more medical records. [09:58]
    • How can complex medication regimens impact aviation medicals? [15:18]
    • What are the FAA guidelines for gathering information for AME? [17:09]
    • Discover the impact of a history of self-harm behavior on the certification process. [18:54]
    • The importance of planning while doing your medical application. [25:14]

    For more information or to get in touch with us, go to https://thepilotlawyer.com/contact/

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