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The Ison Law Firm | The Pilot Lawyer Podcast

FAA Medical Certification with The Armless Pilot, Jessica Cox

The Ison Law Firm | The Pilot Lawyer Podcast         The Ison Law Firm | The Pilot Lawyer Podcast        
FAA Medical Certification with The Armless Pilot, Jessica Cox           FAA Medical Certification with The Armless Pilot, Jessica Cox          
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    Welcome to “The Pilot Lawyer,” hosted by the Ison Brothers at Ison Law Firm. In today's episode, we are joined by Jessica Cox, the first armless pilot in aviation history. Jessica, who flies using her feet, talks about her unique flying experiences and her role as a motivational speaker.

    We'll discuss her journey, the challenges she's faced with the FAA, and how she's managed to overcome her fear of flying. Jessica is also preparing for a medical flight test and working on a special airplane project, designed for foot control.

    We will explore topics ranging from Jessica's adaptive training techniques to the specific regulations impacting pilots with medical conditions, such as 14 CFR 61.53. Additionally, Jessica will share her advocacy for disability rights through her global flying initiatives.

    Stay with us as we converse about determination, adaptation, and safety in aviation with Jessica Cox.

    Show Highlights:

    • How does the first armless pilot in aviation history inspire fellow aviators? [01:07]
    • Discover the unique design of the Irkoop airplane. [06:05]
    • Does being a pilot with physical limitations jeopardize safety? [09:01]
    • The importance of a safety checklist for airmen. [11:40]
    • Do you know about the statement of demonstrated ability? [15:40]
    • How can a pilot with physical limitations operate a complex airplane? [20:27]
    • Do you believe disability should not limit ability? [22:23]
    • Discover the power of encouragement and perseverance. [24:43]

    For more information or to get in touch with us, go to https://thepilotlawyer.com/contact/

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