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The Ison Law Firm | The Pilot Lawyer Podcast

FAA Medical and Substance Dependence

The Ison Law Firm | The Pilot Lawyer Podcast         The Ison Law Firm | The Pilot Lawyer Podcast        
FAA Medical and Substance Dependence           FAA Medical and Substance Dependence          
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    Fasten your seat belts for a journey through the eye of a legal storm with The Pilot Lawyer—your guide through the complex airspace of FAA regulations and substance dependence.

    Today, we're exploring how one's past can cloud the future of pilot medical certification. Discover the nuances separating medical criteria from legal standards and the repercussions of DUIs on a pilot’s career.

    Lock in as we forensically examine the FAA’s stance on substance dependence, bringing clarity to the process that has left many pilots in a holding pattern.

    Show Highlights

    • What substance dependence means in 14 CFR Part 67. [00:01:39]
    • Clinical vs. FAA substance-dependence definition dissimilarity. [00:06:42]
    • Here’s the FAA regulation on substance dependence. [00:09:30]
    • A run-through of DSM-5's 11 criteria for addiction. [00:12:53]
    • Increased tolerance under FAA standards defined. [00:16:41]
    • Find out what the FAA outlines as impaired control of use. [00:22:49]
    • Can a seizure be a manifestation of withdrawal symptoms? [00:26:06]
    • The last FAA evidence criterion for substance dependence. [00:28:07]
    • How the FAA aids you to verify recovery from substance use. [00:31:25]
    • Facts on the burden of proof at the NTSB to overturn an FAA denial. [00:34:21]

    For more information or to get in touch with us, go to https://thepilotlawyer.com/contact/

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