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The Ison Law Firm | The Pilot Lawyer Podcast

Opinion on FAA ARC for Mental Health

The Ison Law Firm | The Pilot Lawyer Podcast         The Ison Law Firm | The Pilot Lawyer Podcast        
Opinion on FAA ARC for Mental Health           Opinion on FAA ARC for Mental Health          
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    Today The Ison Brothers are setting their sights on the intersection of aviation and mental health. In this episode, they navigate the realities of FAA regulations and their impact on pilots' lives, openly discussing the nuances of reporting mental health conditions, and the implications of potential policy reforms.

    They’ll explore the committee's recommendations, shed light on the medical certification process, and ponder the balance between mental support and career risks for pilots.

    Tune in for a grounded yet thought-provoking conversation that's as informative as engaging. Get ready to gain altitude on these pressing issues with your trusted Ison crew.

    Show Highlights:

    • Are you aware of ARC's mission and goals? [03:00]
    • Learn about FAA standards concerning mental health. [05:12]
    • The intersection of pilots' rights and risk mitigation. [07:34]
    • Can pilots and the FAA find common ground? [08:06]
    • Discover the improvements the FAA has made over time. [10:42]
    • The question is what are you getting psychotherapy for. [14:08]
    • Analysis of FAA’s requirements for the psychiatric evaluation. [16:44]
    • Is expensive neurocognitive testing really necessary? [21:24]

    For more information or to get in touch with us, go to https://thepilotlawyer.com/contact/

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