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The Ison Law Firm | The Pilot Lawyer Podcast

Transitioning from Special Issuance to BasicMed

The Ison Law Firm | The Pilot Lawyer Podcast         The Ison Law Firm | The Pilot Lawyer Podcast        
Transitioning from Special Issuance to BasicMed           Transitioning from Special Issuance to BasicMed          
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    Today's flight plan includes the crucial steps to transition from Special Issuance medicals to BasicMed. Join The Ison brothers as they maneuver through the regulations, detailing what pilots need to stay airborne without legal hiccups.

    Tune in and elevate your aviation knowledge as we navigate these legal skies together. Welcome aboard!

    Show Highlights:

    • Are you aware of the conditions and disqualifications pertaining to BasicMed? [01:46]
    • How can you transition from Special Issuance to Basic Med? [02:57]
    • What happens if your Special Issuance is withdrawn? [04:14]
    • Discover how a history of substance dependence impacts your Special Issuance. [06:50]
    • The way to go when your medical expires. [08:03]
    • How part 67 defines substance dependence. [09:16]
    • This can make you lose your eligibility for BasicMed. [10:17]
    • In what conditions do you have to go to rehab? [12:55]

    For more information or to get in touch with us, go to https://thepilotlawyer.com/contact/

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