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The Ison Law Firm | The Pilot Lawyer Podcast

FAA Medical After Failed Drug Test

The Ison Law Firm | The Pilot Lawyer Podcast         The Ison Law Firm | The Pilot Lawyer Podcast        
FAA Medical After Failed Drug Test           FAA Medical After Failed Drug Test          
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    In this episode, we’ll navigate the stormy aftermath of a failed drug test on an aviator's career. What does a brush with substance abuse mean for your FAA medical certification?

    The Ison Brothers unpack the complexities of federal versus state substance legality, debate the risks and realities of rehabilitation, and reveal how a single test can alter an entire flight plan.

    Fasten your seatbelts, this conversation is about to take off.

    Show Highlights

    • Navigating the world of FAA medical certification after a failed drug test. [01:03]
    • Have you ever been diagnosed with substance abuse? [03:25]
    • Discover the shocking truth behind medical marijuana. [05:28]
    • How do specific regulations impact the testing process? [10:06]
    • The best way to navigate refusals during the certification process. [14:03]
    • Discover the conflict between medical and employment needs. [20:46]
    • Find out about the various possible outcomes of a drug test. [25:52]
    • Where to seek the right kind of help with a history of dependence? [26:54]

    For more information or to get in touch with us, go to https://thepilotlawyer.com/contact/

    Check out our blog post on this subject: https://thepilotlawyer.com/faa-dot-drug-tests/

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