Have a podcast in 30 days

Without headaches or hassles

Got something super cool for you.

Especially if…

You have an audience (even a small one) that haven't bought enough from you.

The reason they're not buying is because you haven't given them what they need.

In order to get more sales from your list you need two things:

1. Trust

2. Authority

People need to trust you to give them what they want.

Once they believe you can deliver you will be an “authority” in their eyes.

The problem is gaining trust and authority can take too much time.

Especially if you're relying on Social Media posts, webinars, blogs, and paid ads.

But, there is a way to gain Speed Influence using boring ol' audio.

I recorded a short training showing you exactly how to do it.

And I want you to have it,

Right now.

So you can start making more sales immediately.

Get the training at ​https://thepodcastfactory.com/impact​

Producer Jonathan​

Have a podcast in 30 days

Without headaches or hassles


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