
How One Psychologist Doubled His Rates In A Year

David Tian

David Tian

Masculine Psychology

I opened up so many spots I got overwhelmed, after a year I scaled back and doubled my rates (and I’m still full)."

Most psychologists view their podcast as “producing content for content's sake.” That’s what David Tian Ph.D. thought too. But after working with The Podcast Factory®, he was able to double his rates, reduce the amount of clients he works with, and work fewer hours.

But it wasn’t always like that.

David Tian Ph.D. knew the importance of producing content. In fact, he had 3 podcasts (all at the same time!) But this caused massive headaches. He had to:

  • Come up with new podcast ideas
  • Record each show
  • Ensure all the behind-the-scenes logistics were running smoothly
  • Write all the copy and headlines himself (because copywriters are expensive)
  • Upload the content to Itunes, Spotify, Soundcloud, etc
  • And make sure it was reaching his target audience 

Worst part?

He felt like he was producing content for content's sake.

He didn’t have a strategy to make more sales. He didn’t think of monetising the podcast. “Here’s content, and hopefully we have enough content to make you buy something from us,” David says.

After working with The Podcast Factory®, everything changed.

From the first call, David was impressed with Jonathan’s immediate focus on a monetization strategy. This was all to ensure David was making as many sales as possible (without working any harder than he already was.)

After setting up the podcast, David started to notice an amazing thing. “I was advertising that I was taking in private therapy clients [Through his new podcast]. As a result, my private practice filled up very quickly. I opened up more spots, and they also filled up very quickly. I opened up so many spots I got overwhelmed, so after a year of that I scaled back. I scaled back 2 more times. I raised my rates (doubled them in a year) and I’m still full. So at the moment I’m scaling back, and raising the rates again,” David says.

Every time I asked them [His patients] where did you hear me, 'I listened to your podcast, then checked out your website.' All of my private therapy clients came from the podcast."

David Tian

Masculine Psychology

To listen to David’s story, click play on the play button below.

And when you’re ready to make more sales (while working less)...

Click the link below to schedule a call with The Podcast Factory to find out how it could work for you: 


David Tian

How One Psychologist Doubled His Rates In A Year

David Tian         David Tian        
How One Psychologist Doubled His Rates In A Year           How One Psychologist Doubled His Rates In A Year          
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