
There’s freedom in letting go | James Pollard

James Pollard

The Advisor Coach

I’m so used to being a control freak and being involved in every process, and having my hand in the cookie jar"

You know every product benefit, every client objection; and when talking one-on-one with a potential new client, you know just what to say to close the deal.

You’re good. REALLY good.

And that can be really bad.

In my experience, it’s typically the high-performing business owners who have the hardest time letting go.

I’m so used to being a control freak and being involved in every process, and having my hand in the cookie jar"

James Pollard

Advisor Coach

James knows all the details of his business – exactly where it’s humming along and where it’s sputtering; what’s bringing in business and what acquisition strategies need improvement.

And because he’s so in touch, he heard loud and clear when his market told him he had an opportunity to reach more potential financial advisor clients with a podcast.

That’s good!

He was ready and willing to do it all himself. He is a self-admitted workaholic, afterall, but recording and producing a successful podcast is time-consuming.

By doing it all himself, he’d have to spend hours upon hours learning how to not only record and produce a show, but also make all the little mistakes that teach you how to make your show a success – the concepting … the strategizing ... the marketing ... the optimizing …

And that would have taken him away from spending time doing what he does best.

That’s bad. REALLY bad.

He wanted more leverage in his business, not less, so he reached out to the experts.

In working with The Podcast Factory, we’ve been able to save James so much time, he’s actually been able to launch a handful of new products.

… Which is perfect because you talk about the products on the podcast,” he says.

James Pollard

There’s freedom in letting go

James Pollard         James Pollard        
There’s freedom in letting go           There’s freedom in letting go          
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    Not knowing if you're on the right track.

    Then it's time to call in the experts.

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    We can help you let go with confidence so you can focus on being the expert at serving your clients.

    It’s what we’re good at.

    REALLY good.

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