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What’s up Inner Strength listeners (and viewers, if you’re watching this Facebook Live video)? Now, you know I love and appreciate you. So I’m going to give you some medicine that is good for you – in your best interest – that you may not like.READ MORE

If you’ve ever started going to a new gym, answer me this … Did you sorta feel like the guy who rides a scooter walking into a biker bar?
What’s up everyone. Kyle, here, and today’s show will be helpful for you if you’ve ever felt intimidated by the gym or a new fitness program.READ MORE

You’ve seen that guy. You know, the overweight one who spends an hour on the elliptical machine going at a moderate to easy pace then as soon as he’s done heads to smoothie counter thinking he’s worked so hard, surely if just keeps at it, he’ll lose the weight.READ MORE

What’s up Inner Strength listeners? Today, I’m excited to be trying something new. I’m actually recording this podcast via Facebook live on the Kyle Newell fan page. The idea is that this will bring a little more interactivity to some of these shows.READ MORE

I hope you’re paying attention because they’ll probably be a test on this …
What’s up everyone? Kyle, here, and today I want to talk with you about the importance of focused attention as it applies to achieving your fitness goals.READ MORE

How do you like today’s title? Are you curious, wondering, “What the heck is Kyle talking about? I compete with people all the time.”
What’s up everyone? Kyle, here, and you read it right … There really is no such thing as competition … IF you adopt the right mindset.READ MORE

I messed up. I called this the 65th episode of the show because I recorded this one before the special Halloween episode you heard last week, but don’t let this slip distract you. I’ve got something very helpful to share with you today.READ MORE

Hedging the line between fall and winter, Halloween is the time of pumpkin carving, apple bobbing and dark superstition. But underneath the celebrations, graveyard stories and supernatural experiences lies some powerful mindset practices.READ MORE

How often does it feel like you are wasting your time doing things you either hate doing or really feel you shouldn’t be doing?
What’s up everyone? Got a great show for you today. You’re about to take the red pill to open your eyes to how you’re plugged into the time-sucking matrix!  READ MORE

“Regard your soldiers as your children, and they will follow you into the deepest valleys; look upon them as your own beloved sons, and they will stand by you even unto death.” – Sun Tzu, Art of War
What’s up Inner Strength listeners?READ MORE

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